If you like what you hear, help us get recognized! Here are three ways you can help.

  1. We want people like you to hear about this podcast, so please share what you like with your friends.
  2. Write us a review on Apple or Google Podcasts. This will help our podcast stand out among the thousands of podcasts out there.
  3. We are looking for speaking or marketing opportunities to reach listeners like you who enjoy listening to our show. Please reach out if you can introduce.

If you really love what we’re doing, join our mailing list.

We’ll be honest. We haven’t figured out what is the best way to fund this project. Some focus on Patreon or some sort of membership to access additional, bonus content. Right now we are independent and entirely self-funded (through our savings) with the aim to be self-sufficient through a large, engaging audience of listeners. We really hope to provide all of our content free for everyone and anyone for as long as possible. If we have more clarity at a later stage, we will be sharing it on our newsletter. We promise to respect your privacy and give you insightful news and updates that matter. Sign up below.

If you do feel led to contribute monetarily, your gift of any value will be appreciated.

100% of donations are designated towards the Faith Collides podcast at Lux Mundi LLC. If you’d like to support through giving, we are happy to share specific details about how we operate.


Please note: Lux Mundi LLC. and its Faith Collides podcast is not affiliated with a religious organization or non-profit, and remains independent and privately owned. Therefore, US taxpayers will not receive tax-exemption for their contribution.

We are grateful for your support.

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