Jon Chiu – Corporate Strategy

Jon Chiu did everything right to ensure a successful career by excelling in school, getting an engineering degree from UCLA, and landing a full-time job with an investment management firm right out of college. It looked like things had lined up quite nicely for Jon. But the year was 2008, and a financial crisis was about to crash the economy and change the world. Jon lost his job after only a few months. He reluctantly decided to work as a cashier at his sister’s frozen yogurt shop. All his hard work and his expensive degree felt pretty meaningless at that point.

But Jon Chiu didn’t give up. He went back to school, earning a master’s from Stanford. Then he was hired as a management consultant for the prestigious McKinsey and Company. He thrived there, using his problem-solving skills to help the company’s clients make informed, data-driven decisions. Jon also worked at Google for a few years, and then came back to McKinsey as an Engagement Manager. Jon was good at what he did – but the long hours and high stress environment made him realize his faith and family were being put on the back burner.

As Jon considered making a career change, his wife was given a job transfer from Silicon Valley to Los Angeles. Jon sent out his resume, hoping to find a new company in LA to work for that would give him a better work-life balance. Jon ended up as the Director of Strategy and Finance at Blizzard Entertainment, a video game company well-known for titles like World of Warcraft and Overwatch.

For the past few years, especially during the COVID pandemic, Jon has enjoyed working in the video game industry. He’s achieved a better work-life balance and is happy to know that his company has helped people stay connected virtually during times when physical connection wasn’t possible. Jon’s story is all about overcoming obstacles by never giving up, always being ready to move on to the next thing when it’s time and trusting in God to help you make the right decisions. He shares more on this episode of Faith Collides.

Special thanks for this episode: Jon and Karen Chiu, Jennifer Lazala, Josh Batson and Martin Garcia


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Faith Collides podcast is hosted by Grace Huang from Lux Mundi.  More information: